Friday, October 17, 2008

Teresa is on the move soon ... & eager to see where the wind will be taking me!

the view from my solo spot overlooking the Ghost River Valley (August 23, 2008)

Hello my dear friends & family,

Alas, my contract with Ghost River Rediscovery has come to a close ...

This result was bound to happen since I had not been able to secure the funds I needed to continue forward in this new position. So, after carrying on an extra 2 months with GRR, waiting for responses to the letter of interest I had sent out, my 6 (+2) month contract has finally wound down. There's a small possibility of my hopping back into things with Ghost River Rediscovery that depends on one final proposal I am sending in next week. The results of this proposal won't likely be known until late December or early January, so I am heading full steam ahead in my job searching as well.

At any rate, I am at a fairly good place about the whole thing, knowing that I now have a chance to move toward a position that is more outdoor focused & less office-based. So I am now gearing up to hop onto my little "speck" ... we'll see which way I am meant to be carried by the wind ...

spectacular view from the Asulkan Valley hut in Glacier National Park (August 9, 2008)

All that said, I had my first job interview (via. webcam) last week. It's an exciting affirmation but I am trying to stay in the moment and just see what comes of it. I am supposed to hear back on this job sometime this week ...

This job searching thing can be quite a rollercoaster, so I know the importance of patience and being in the moment ... just the things I still need to keep working on along my journey, how convenient :) But any & all encouragement & reaching out from my family & friends will be very much appreciated :)

Indian paintbrush in full bloom (August 9, 2008)

Along with this recent change in my employment situation, I have decided to pack up my "Wombat Warren" (aka basement suite) & put my belongings back into temporary storage in my parent's garage (& the big items at a few friend's places). Once Halloween comes along, I will be on the move back up to Edmonton with my boxes & furniture packed into a small U-Haul truck. I'll be staying with a few different friends & have a chance to do some house-sitting around Edmonton. Undoubtedly, I will bounce around to connect with a few other folks out of town as I continue my job search.

In order to keep in touch with me, please note my NEW e-mail address:
(I am no longer accessing my GRR e-mail address).

You can always check on my BLOG here at:
... or you can also find me on Facebook to check on any updates I have added & to see where I have landed myself.

For October at least, you can still reach me on my mobile phone at: (403) 690-0504 (mobile) or you can connect with me through Skype, my Skype ID is: tchilkowich

I will add any new contact details to my BLOG here in the "contact" section once I have a more permanent address/phone number etc.

sparkling waters rushing over a gorgeous green rock along the Asulkan trail (August 9, 2008)

I look forward to seeing how things will unfold for me as this newest period of transition parallels the changing of the seasons. I am also looking forward to reconnecting with some of the wonderful people in my life who I haven't seen much of while I have been down in Cow Town :)

I wish you well in your own active lives & with all the GREAT work you are doing. It will be great to connect with you again sometime in the near future.

Be well,

Hugs 'n' Bugs, love,


Global Sunlight Map

Lunar Phase

"Awakening the Dreamer ... Changing the Dream"

Joanna Macy & David Korten Dialogue on the Great Turning ("For the Grandchildren" event)

Money as Debt video - Paul Grignon

The Story of Cap & Trade (Annie Leonard)


How It All Ends -

Oh, the Places You'll Go! - Dr. Seuss