Wednesday, May 16, 2007

middle of May ... & missing all of my mates "back home"

enjoying the view from the NORA abseil site where I had the chance to do a few more abseil set-ups (& get that signed off :) while I did my BACK-UP back at the end of March ... the Orroral Valley in behind me is quite a spectacular site!

hello again dear ones,

it's a funny thing, this concept of time ...

one moment, it seems like I've been "Down Unda" for heaps of time ... & I realize it's been almost 6 months since I last saw all of you back on Turtle Island (North America)

... the next moment, I come to realize that I've packed a zany number of new adventures into the past 6 months and I am spending even more & more time away from the confines of walls, roofs, & flushing toilets ... all this outdoor fun and learning packed into what seems like a really short space of time, it's mind boggling!

maintaining contact with so many of you through my BLOG, ... e-mail, ... and a phone call here & there has been really great ... it's awesome hearing from you and reading the updates you have sent along ... hmmmm, reflecting on some of your more recent updates ... here's a little overview of the fun y'all are having while I am away ...

* little miss Lotus has entered the world of Erin & Scott (Erin is my Environment Canada colleague who filled in for my when I was "Down Unda" the first time)

* little miss Scarlet has turned 1 ... I know Rhea & Grady are having heaps of fun as this little toddler gets closer & closer to being mobile on her own 2 feet

* Madame Claudette is preparing to bid "adieu" to Environment Canada after a few decades of dedicated service ... I would love to be around for your bon voyage party, sorry I am not able to join in on the celebrations ... please share a few pic's from your farewell bash, it will be great to see the fun you have & the huge smiles you have for the camera as you enjoy the company of the friends, family, and colleagues that gather to celebrate YOU

* many folks have been enjoying the pic's & stories I've been sharing & sharing my blog with other folks who don't even know me but are enjoying the pic's none the less ... thanks for your comments & e-mails Mom, Laurelie, Nadia, Katrina, Xenia, Andrew, Deanna, Dee, Liz, Nadine, kt, Phoebe, Jill & Ethan, & everyone else who has been keeping up on my adventures & posting comments or sending e-mails ... Dad & Cecilia, Ollie, Maureen, Elizabeth, Margaret, Cheryl, Colette, Irene, A. Evelyn, ... thanks heaps!! it's great to stay connected across the km's & to hear how you are doing :)

* Laurelie & the SACB (St. Albert Community Band) had a great special event with the "Pre Tenors" back in March & they are gearing up for the final concert in 4 weeks & a "band geek" get together on Laurelie's birthday (I use the words band geek in a most endearing manner, given that I have been a chief band geek most of my adult life :)

* Corporate Challenge is coming up real soon & my Environment Canada colleagues are gearing up for the fun & games ... I know you'll all have heaps of fun and EC will prevail in many of the competitions ... LET"S GO EC LET'S GO!!

* Lori, my elephant/snake charming friend has returned from her AMAZING year of adventures abroad ... zipping around SE Asia on the back of a motorcycle, meditating for days on end, spending time with the orphaned Sri Lankan elephants again & selling more elephant paintings as fund raisers, helping wayward sea turtles (how COOL!) and creating other splendid projects along the way ... welcome back to Edmonton my friend!

* many of my Seed Mates, bodhisattva buddies, and enviro friends are busily working on the many projects and campaigns that they are deeply committed to ... keep up the great work!!

As much as I am enjoying my time being "a place apart" ... and out of the loop of everyday news & goings on (the onslaught of the excess of information and material things) ... I am trying to keep current through the newspaper and a bit of the Internet when I can ... it seems like many folks are finally waking up to the realities of Global Climate Change and the implications vast array of climate change effects that we are already facing and which we will be seeing more & more of ... the City of Canberra is facing all time lows for their water intake and will be severely cutting back on outside water usage ... the Snowy River was only around 0.35m to 0.39m, while we were in the Snowies, I also heard that Tony Blaire is finally stepping down.

It sounds like all kinds of transitions and transformations are still trying to be sorted out within the federal government since I've moved on from Environment Canada. My thoughts are with you as you try to keep doing the good work you are doing amid the difficulties of working within the slow, bureaucratic government machine. It seems like my timing was quite good for moving on, although I still worry about the little non-profit organizations and the challenges they face in obtaining the support they need to do their good work ... do take care my friends! I look forward to hearing about your latest efforts & to reconnecting with you over the cyber waves.

I know there's heaps more going on & that I'm not fully in the loop on what you're all up to (please catch me up on any tidbits that you would like to share) ... I am grateful for the updates you are sharing and I am also missing not having more frequent contact with so many of my dear friends and family ... it's a challenging paradox ... getting in on all the great adventures and awesome outdoor leadership and training opportunities but also being away from the folks and places that I care about ...

It won't be long now before I will be preparing for my ASSESSMENT course and finishing up any loose ends for completing my Certificate IV in Outdoor Recreation ... WOW, what a thought, there's still quite a bit to do & get signed off but we're definitely coming in closer to the home stretch! By the time August is over ... Outward Bound Australia will be offering contracts to folks that are deemed competent and a good fit for the available positions. Any of the ROMEO's (myself included) who are offered contracts would then switch into full time Group Instructors or other positions that might be up for grabs by then ... that's still heaps of time away and I'll cross whatever bridges need crossing once they appear ... until then ... I need to keep up with my practical reviews and assessment preparations, studying for a few more exams, and pulling together a few more assignments. In order to do this, I need to get my rest ... so I will sign off for now & will promise to add more on the picurte side of things during my next set of RDO's (days off) that we have during the 21-23 May.

In the meantime, please know that I am missing you all heaps & that I would be connecting more often than I am but my schedule is pretty jam packed.

Next week, I'll catch up on the additional BLOG updates & pic's that didn't get covered in this 3 day break which is now coming to a close ... darn it! I thought I would spend my time with all of you with this little reminiscent blog entry instead, to let you know I am thinking of you and wishing you well, whatever you are doing, wherever you may be ...

Enjoy the warmer temperatures, the barefoot weather, and all the fun that you get to have out in your gardens, at the duck ponds, enjoying outdoor concerts and performances in the parks or on the streets, and anytime you can take to slow down, & enjoy the simpler things in life ... like a glass of lemonade after weeding the garden, ... or a bowl of ice cream after walking your canine friends, ... or a quiet evening with yourself or with a few friends after a long, challenging work week.

Time for me to call it a day & get ready for sleep after I get a few things organized for our 2 day Facilitation Training block (which will be followed by our 2 day Expedition Assessment block). The FULLNESS of time is something I am definitely getting more familiar with during this internship ... something that is made quite rewarding and positive because of all the great activities and training we are immersed in. I much prefer having full-ness in my daily life, instead of the busy-ness that had me "beetling" about in a 9 to 5 kind of way.

Wishing each of you the comforts and rewards of the full-ness in your lives that will sustain you & nurture your core as you share your gifts and skills with those around you.

Be well & happy,

Hugs 'n' Bugs, love,



Unknown said...

Hey Teresa, glad to know that you are doing okay. If you get a chance, give me a shout. Would love to talk to you on the phone.

JillyPeanut said...

Hiya Teresa-Bean;

Your blogs are postively brimming with good energy about your life in Australia; I am truly pleased to hear that your new life's path brings you so much joy. I smiled when I read about your "eat a bowl of ice cream" comment, which I know to be one of your favourite indulgences.

I know you don't use your email often, so I will need to share this with you in this public forum and that is that I have made the decision not to join you in Byron Bay after all.

I have heard/read that it is an amazing place and I'm glad you're going to find the time to visit it and I would ask that you don't change your plans to go to there. But given we only had three days with you, I don't want to spend two of those three days on a bus! We will still go to Canberra and in fact, have now made arrangements to stay with people there.

I am disappointed, of course, as you are the catalyst for us going on this trip. But even though we won't physically connect now, you will still be there with me. You are always encouraging your friends to "hotto suru" and this trip will allow me to do just that!

Your are a positive inspiration in our lives, Teresa: Quitting your job, picking up and following your life's dream, having the courage to move to another country and go back to school as a mature student takes incredible courage and strength. That inspiration won't stop simply because we didn't meet up in Australia - far from it. It because of you that we're going on this trip, which will enrich both my and Ethan's life. Thank you, dear friend. Love you!

Andrew said...

Hey Teresa, sorry I missed your call today. I tried to email you but I guess I have your old email, the moose one...

Mom said...

Hey Teresa it was great hearing your voice the other night along with the Mother's Day greetings. My flower garden is coming along wonderfully and I am so happy I once again have a grden to putter about in. As always your blogs are such a great way to keep track of you and your adventures keep up the great work and I know you will succeed in this endeavor as you have in others. Take care lots of hugs and love to you from us here.

Unknown said...

Hey Girl, well the eagle has landed. I have finally moved to Ottawa and am settling in. Work is something different day but her is hoping I can help make some changes to the good. Glade to keep reading on your successes. It is always amazing what a person can do when you put your mind to the task. Take care and talk soon.
Liz :-0

Unknown said...

My computer is rubbish and I can't upload many pics right now. I'll do my best to send you a couple when I can.

Cheryl said...

Hi Teresa,

Sorry it has been so long. I am very glad you are well and enjoying so many adventures. I can't honestly imagine how four walls and a flush toilet could contain you anyway ;) Glad you are progressing and hope that body kinks, social kinks, and cultural kinks are now opportunities to explore further.

We had a week in New York City with Gleb - he was working at the UN and we were having fun! We also managed to convince him to attend his convocation at Columbia - looked very auspiscious. Aidan and I had a blast at various zoos including my old job site at the Bronx Zoo, the fantastic Museum, and The Lion King on Broadway. It was great catching up with friends and making new ones - Paul Winter and his amazing family in CT.

Gleb is on his way back from the Spring Festival in the UK - his birthday present. Aidan and I spent the day frolicing on the wild, windswept beach down the road before stopping for artichoke and cheese bread (still hot) on our way home. A good day.

We're gearing up for South Africa now, but am having my parents come and look after Aidan while we travel. It will be a whirlwind trip for us.

Gleb is due to come to Australia in August. Not sure of the locations (probably North because of a big dreamtime celebration) but I'll have him contact you closer to the time. What a blast if you could get together down under.

Well I should probably send a real e-mail...will try this week and will include some photos there. Miss you lots, thinking about you, much love, Cheryl, Gleb, and Aidan...xx

nsdaydreamer said...

Hey there Teresa: Always love reading your inspiring and inspirational blogs. Certainly thinking of you as our national meeting approaches. Really going to miss you at that for sure. Keep the posts coming and add some new pics soon. Keep being you and take care of yourself.
Nadine :-)

Global Sunlight Map

Lunar Phase

"Awakening the Dreamer ... Changing the Dream"

Joanna Macy & David Korten Dialogue on the Great Turning ("For the Grandchildren" event)

Money as Debt video - Paul Grignon

The Story of Cap & Trade (Annie Leonard)


How It All Ends -

Oh, the Places You'll Go! - Dr. Seuss